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Elevating the Power of "WE"

by Enriching the Journey of "ME"

Angela Bailey and Associates LLC

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Our Purpose

At AnandaLife, an integral part of Angela Bailey and Associates LLC, we are utilizing our lived experiences along with our passion to elevate the human experience both at work and at home, dedicating this next part of our journey to paying it forward by sharing our knowledge, insight, and life experiences on achieving exceptional personal and professional leadership, becoming an innovation catalyst, and finding coherence of mind, body, and spirit.

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AnandaLife provides business and life consulting within Angela Bailey and Associates LLC. Our Founder and CEO, Angela Bailey is a well-established, and highly sought-after Human Capital expert, with over four decades of Federal service--15 of those years at the executive leadership level. Her forward-leaning, innovative thinking, allowed her to design, advocate, and implement policies, programs, products, and services that enriched and improved the human experience of leadership and employees at all levels within the Federal sector. This combined with her first-hand knowledge and expertise of the various missions within the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, as well as the Office of Personnel Management, makes her well-positioned to assist agencies, corporations, and organizations as they seek to deliver high-quality products and services across the Federal government and beyond.

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At AnandaLife we believe in connecting the mind, body and spirit in ways that allow you to live a fuller, more joyous life. We have several seminars we currently deliver, and are always open to customizing the experience for you and your agency or business.

Successful Business Group
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Seminars conducted by Lynette Sprowls

Lynette Sprowls

Executive Coach and Facilitator

  • ICF-Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
  • Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
  • Certification in Positive Psychology Health and Wellness Coaching
  • Certified Life, Career, and Executive Coach
  • Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (NANP)
  • Energy Codes® Coaching Certification
  • HeartMath® Certified Trainer

Schedule a call:

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Successful Business Group

You've Got This!

Tapping Into Your Full Potential—Learn through HeartMath® science- based techniques how to bring more energy and vitality to your life. By understanding how your emotions, stress, and interactions with others deplete your energy, and how to deploy new habits into your life to increase mental clarity, improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, you will begin to realize your full potential.

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The Resilience Advantage™

The HeartMath® Resilience Advantage™ teaches officers and agents how to maintain inner balance, mental clarity and the critical skills of rapid recovery and reset, both physiologically and psychologically, after stressful and challenging events.

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Living From Your Heart

Understand breakthrough research on the heart/brain/body communication and how to use it to bring harmony into your life. HeartMath®--science based techniques help you access the heart’s intelligence, reduce feelings of overload, fear, and insecurity. You will learn and practice techniques that will allow you to self-regulate your emotions so that in the face of failure, setbacks, mistakes, and uncertainty you will function from a controlled, relaxed, and centered place. Reclaim a calmness about your life and know you are in control!

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Angela is a highly sought-after public and motivational speaker, as well as an award-winning Human Capital leader within the Federal government, including the White House, Office of Management and Budget, Office of Personnel Management, good government groups--Partnership for Public Service, and has consistently received bipartisan support for her programs and policies from Congress. She has implemented several first-of-its-kind, state-of-the-art programs within the Federal government--Federal hiring reform that significantly reduced time to hire; veteran hiring programs that saw a first-ever increase in veteran hiring across the Federal agencies; the Cyber Talent Management System, touted as the first "real" civil service reform seen in decades; Employee and Family Readiness programs, that helped improve the employee engagement index by 16 points; and an Inclusive Diversity Strategic Plan that recognized elevating the human experience of shared connections and leading with intention were instrumental in creating an inclusive culture. All of this, combined with her ability to tell a story, and strategize alternative futures is what has set her apart for decades as a leader in Human Capital.

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Angela Bailey, M.A., is a forward-leaning, innovative thinker, well known and sought after for her proven ability to design, advocate, and implement first-of-its-kind, state-of-the-art, human capital policies, programs, products, and services that enrich and improve the human experience of leadership and employees at all levels within the organization. Angela has a Master's in Leadership, as well as over 40 years of lived experience, 15 of those years at the senior executive leadership level, in some of the largest and most highly complex agencies within the Federal government. This combined with her first-hand, in-depth knowledge and expertise, including well-established relationships across the Federal government, including Congress, provides her the unique ability and insight to coach executives and leaders at all levels, allowing them to achieve personal and professional success.

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The Leadership Experience

The LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE is a 2-1/2 day immersion that provides individuals and teams with an opportunity to explore the strength and wisdom of those who have previously walked down the historical leadership path; make connections in deep and meaningful ways; tap into their inner wisdom; connect with the grounding elements of nature; all while gaining valuable tools and techniques that will help the organization, team and individuals achieve optimum personal and professional growth.

Why The Leadership Experience (TLE)?

By providing a unique, memorable, and foundational leadership experience--one that explores all aspects of the human experience as a leader, you will have a multi-dimensional and multifaceted approach to leading yourself and others.

  • Increased understanding of yourself as a person, colleague, and leader.
  • Elevated leadership especially in the areas of creating meaningful human connections, drawing on your internal wisdom, envisioning a future full of possibilities, and shedding that which does not serve you well.
  • Expanded professional and personal relationships, enabling improved intra and inter-organizational collaboration and creativity.
  • A deeper understanding of the role ordinary citizens have played throughout history In paving the way for the strides we have made today In racial and gender equality.
  • Improved ability to understand and value the Importance of Inclusivity.
  • Increased resiliency, through mental and physical wellness.

For more information, please email us at:

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The Leadership Experience

Leading Ladies of Gettysburg

August 13-15, 2023

Gettysburg Hotel

Gettysburg, PA

Gettysburg's "Welcome to Historic Gettysburg" Welcome Sign

Leading Ladies of Gettysburg


A 2-1/2 day immersive experience that provides individuals and teams with an unmatched opportunity to explore the strength, courage, resiliency and leadership of the women "left behind" during the Battle of Gettysburg. Deep and meaningful connections between past and present challenges (and courage) whether in the homes and streets of Gettysburg, or the board rooms and C-suites of corporations and government agencies, this elevated learning experience anchored In ancestral wisdom and blended with contemporary leadership knowledge provides the foundation leaders at all levels in the organization need to lead themselves, and those who entrust their lives in them.

"I found this leadership seminar helpful and inspirational! One of the most enjoyable leadership seminars I have had the opportunity to attend. A huge shoutout to our moderators, Angela and Lynette, and our guest speakers, Clo Taylor and Kim Walton. As a new leader, hearing these exceptional woman tell their stories inspired me to make some life changes, and motivated me to continue strengthening my leadership qualities to be the best leader for my team."

“This was an incredible opportunity to learn how to be a great leader with intention and be in community with other women who are like minded and seeking the same. I can't recommend the experience enough, myself and my peers learned so much!”

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Energy Renewal Retreats

Our ENERGY RENEWAL RETREAT is three days and two nights at fabulous locations that provide a connection with nature, relaxation, and rejuvenation. During the retreat, you can explore what matters most to you in life by listening to your deep internal wisdom. You will learn how energy flows in the body, how to harness this powerful life force for more vitality, and explore what depletes your energy regularly. You will learn tools to clear subconscious interferences, which, over time, reduces stress, increases resilience, and supports you in finding harmony and joy in your life, regardless of what is going on in the external environment. We use the work of Dr. Sue Morter’s The Energy Codes®, The HeartMath® Institute, and other bioenergetic and holistic modalities, including yoga and meditation.

If interested in a custom retreat, please email us at:

angela bailey and associates llc

energy renewal retreat

November 10-12, 2023



tap into inner wisdom

understand the energy of the body

puja ceremony

find balance and joy

nourished body

Beautiful Beach-Front House

Sea Isle City, New Jersey

Enjoyed most – The kickoff of tapping and everyone’s engagement which set a great tone for the start of the retreat.”

“Other positives – Insights on understanding the power of energy, how to harness and release it as well as the details about each Chakras. The water Puja release. Making the Chakra oils. The Morter March Position (ctrl alt del), which is a new favorite tool for me.”

“Thank you again for such a wonderful retreat! I still feel renewed and energized and empowered and it was SO much fun getting to know you more in that setting.”

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January 4, 2023

The Story Behind The Story...

By: Angela Bailey

Is a behind-the-scenes exploration of the human experience in all aspects of life, love, and leadership. It's a blend of stories, musings, and perhaps even some wisdom obtained from many trips around the sun.

During this journey there are many lessons learned and many things that have caused ample head-shaking; but most of all there's pure joy in some of the most meaningful relationships, conversations, and experiences one could ever hope to achieve.

Each month we'll explore a new topic through interesting conversations, with interesting people. We'll dig into "the story behind the story," because that's where the real magic happens.

Hold on tight...we have some exploring to do together!

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Angela Bailey, M.A.., is a forward-leaning, innovative thinker, well known and sought after for her proven ability to design, advocate, and implement first-of-its-kind, state-of-the-art, human capital policies, programs, products, and services that enrich and improve the human experience of leadership and employees at all levels within the organization. Angela has a Master's in Leadership, as well as over 40 years of lived experience, 15 of those years at the senior executive leadership level, in some of the largest and most highly complex agencies within the Federal government. This combined with her first-hand, in-depth knowledge and expertise, including well-established relationships across the Federal government, including Congress, provides her the unique ability and insight to serve as a Board Director and Advisor.

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Angela Bailey

Angie began her career as a clerk typist with the Social Security Administration. Over the next 40 years, she earned a BA and MA in Leadership and ultimately became a Senior Executive in 2007 and the Chief Human Capital Officer with the Department of Homeland Security in January 2016. She also worked for the Department of Defense as a Labor/Employee Relations Officer and Human Resources Director, and within the US Office of Personnel Management, as a Deputy Associate Director for Recruiting and Hiring, Associate Director for Employee Services, and Chief Operating Officer.

Most recently, Angie founded AnandaLife, under Angela Bailey and Associates LLC. Utilizing her lived experience along with her passion to elevate the human experience both at work and at home, she is dedicating this next part of her journey to paying it forward by sharing her knowledge, insight, and life experiences on achieving personal and professional leadership excellence, becoming an innovation catalyst, and finding coherence of mind, body, and spirit. She is a highly sought-after motivational speaker and has made several appearances in major publications, on podcasts, radio, and television.

Accumulating over 40 years in public service along with leadership roles in several high-profile, complex agencies, Ms. Bailey has been recognized with Presidential Rank Awards by two administrations--2017 (Meritorious) and 2021 (Distinguished)--for her leadership, innovation, dedication, and commitment to the Federal workforce and the Nation they serve.

She served as a Board of Trustee for the United States Coast Guard Academy and is currently a SAGE with the Partnership for Public Service, a National Association Public Administration Fellow, a member of the Senior Executive Association, as well as on the Board of Directors for Dependable Health Services, and a mentor with Executive Women in Government.

You can reach Angie at:



Lynette Sprowls

Lynette Sprowls, M.S., is a certified ICF-PCC and NBC-HWC coach with several certifications in positive psychology, life coaching, and mindfulness. She is a coach, speaker, and corporate trainer working in the private sector, within government agencies, and the military presenting customized stress resilience, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and group communication skills workshops. Lynette is a forward-thinking coach specializing in creating dynamic partnerships with individuals and groups to overcome obstacles, improve skills and capabilities, identify career goals, improve well-being, and reduce stress by co-creating a set of goals and values that optimize transformation and sustainable change that leads to more vitality, purpose, and harmony in life.

You can reach Lynette at:



Or schedule a call:

Dominic Petty

Dominic Petty, Is a certified coach. He helps you cultivate your Inner wisdom to get you optimal results In career, relationships, and communication. Prior to his coaching work, he was a Director In Leadership Development within the Federal government has has held positions In technology and management consulting.

You can reach Dominic at:



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Partnerships, Engagements and Press

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Elevating the Power of "WE"

by Enriching the Journey of "ME"

Angela Bailey and Associates LLC

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